Sausage Party (2016)
Unparalleled sin
26 March 2018
I think devout Christians don't inherently hate atheists, or even if they were touched by the Lord's word, they would never hate a fellow brother, but content like this must at least make them shake their heads and search for points where that atheist "took the wrong path in life." This movie was an embarrassment. It's an ostentatious crazy man, dressed only in robes and sporting sporadic hair and long, chipped fingernails, yelling slurs at people on the street as they quickly shuffle by him with groceries clutched closely to their chests so that he may not grab an apple out of their bag, take a bite, and then proceed to harass them, spittle and apple juice flying onto their face as they weep for their dignity. That man is Seth Rogan, and the victim is me. In short, this movie made me feel sad, depressed, lonely. And very uncomfortable I might add. The animation felt off in a really gross way. In a way, the animation reminded me of those like animated pornography videos where it takes the Family Guy characters and they have sex. Like it was that cheap, creepy, and unnatural, and a few parts here and there made my skin crawl due to how uncanny they looked. But the worst part, regarding animation, was just the character designs; not only is the theme presented to you like you're a dumbass, the jokes are presented to you that way too. Wow, that bun was oddly anthropomorphic; was it supposed to make me horny? Its limbs really creeped me out, like they come out of nowhere and they sort of just like disappear into the bun's ass, but they don't really mold at all? I guess all of the limbs in this movie were kinda weird and gross. Weird and gross things also reminded me of all of the racist stereotyping in this movie? Like wow the Jewish bagel has a big nose and it doesn't get along with the Arab lavash. Idk it just felt really distasteful, especially in a day and age where everyone gets called out on their BS. Generally however, I think it's good to poke fun in this way because it reminds us that nothing really is sacrosanct and everything is on the playing field as far as comedy goes, but this edgy humor offended me more because it was bad more than any of the wide variety of controversial topics it brushed (religion, abstinence, race, Stephen Hawking? (RIP)). I will admit however, a few got through my cracks, for I am not impervious!, and they gave me a chuckle, and if it can at least intentionally entertain me a little bit, it's not a perfectly awful movie. Anyhow, the most offensive piece of this whole movie was the atheist "WAKE UP SHEEPLE" point of view. Hey Catholic over there! You're blinded by God's semen in your eyes! One, this sort of statement is incredibly preachy and just generally offensive, and it would just push the wool further over the eyes of that individual. (To be transparent, I think I would identify as an atheist, depends on what side of the bed I wake up on). And they address how atheists shouldn't be as preachy as religious people and then they aren't and it just solves the problem? Providing a rational dogmatic argument in a debate on religion, WHERE YOU CAN'T BE DOGMATIC, against a holistically brainwashed opposing community is not going to sway anyone whatsoever. No one will give a damn. But of course, this movie just has to follow a beat by beat generic movie structure where all the sad parts have to be resolved really quickly because this animation is super expensive and we can't afford to make an actual reasonable ending and the villain has to be defeated even though he wasn't really the main antagonist and was more of just a nuisance, but you know, whatever I guess. Another positive thing I have is that while it hits the sad part where the characters divide up (because they always have to!), it brought this about in a way that just makes sense. And even though it's a really clichéd move, it executes it very soundly. But back to the theme, I think the movie would have been much better if a character came onto screen and just read a very extensive (well, not too extensive because most of these ideas were pretty thin and were exhausted waaaaay before the 45 minute mark) monologue expressing the opinions of the writing crew rather than just writing a script where the characters are talking to each other, but they're always actually talking to you. Any line could have been taken out of context and just stated as a fourth-wall breaking statement to the audience and it would make sense/wouldn't feel out of place. Also, it felt they really wanted to get this message across so they dumbed it down like even below the common denominator. Below the common denominator in math doesn't even really make sense, but somehow this movie managed to do just so because it just that stupid. And I wanted to add that I really hated most of the transitions between the two main story arcs - a lot were really corny and they always came at awful times and interrupted whatever flow this movie had going for it. Idk I can't really sum this up other than just simply saying it's a mess, a stain on the movie industry, the eight deadly sin, and generally just an embarrassment to the entire human condition.
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