Keep Watching (2017)
I've Taken Craps With Better Writing
17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My god. Apparently, nobody writing, starring, directing, or in any other way involved in making this film has any concept of what actual, rational people would do in a situation like this.

The "jigsaw" person in this film should probably stop making internet torture-porn, and switch to playing the lottery or inventing tech, because they would literally have to be both psychic and a Tony Stark-level of electrical engineer to make anything that happens in this film even remotely feasible.

I mean, this person has somehow figured out how to hide cameras in alarm clocks, tazers, flashlights, and basically every other electronic device known to man, without any signs of added electronics or tampering. Either that, or these people are just really, really, really effing stupid...which is also probably true.

In addition to mad electrical skills, this person has somehow figured out how to anticipate every single stupid move of every single stupid person in this film, from the role-model uncle just magically showing up in the middle of the night within minutes of the family returning from vacation - with a few joints already twisted up, despite having apparently just gotten into a fight with his wife?

Or the idiot boyfriend who just happens to show up while they're all in the basement and gets himself waxed in the precise spot the killer anticipated.

And what the hell is going on where they finally find an open window in the basement? "Yeah kids, here, you stay in the basement with the murderer who can basically teleport around the house without ever making a sound.

Another great example is the part where the two kids suddenly realize they can just break down the gates over the doors

Or earlier in the film, where they're screaming out the window for help, and just give up after 30 seconds because they saw a dead body? Hey, howabout tie some bedsheets together and climb down? Have the kid use his zippo and throw some burning stuff outside, maybe people will notice?

Honestly, I wanted to turn it off after the first 20 minutes, but I "kept watching" simply because I wanted to make sure all the cast died. Nope, we don't even get that closure, because the pregnant teenage girl now has to put on a mask and learn to teleport so some hollywood idiot can try milking out this premise for at least 2 or three more sequels.

Save yourself the time...don't watch this god-awful movie. It's bad, and not like a fun bad. The protagonists are stupid, the antagonists are utterly implausible, and there is literally not one plot beat that actually made any kind of rational sense.
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