Review of Pottersville

Pottersville (2017)
Dull and plodding - then it ends.
6 March 2018
This is a particularly meaningless movie that might keep very young kids entertained, for brief moments, by the appearance of adult-sized furry costumes.

It has no other redeeming content. From the cliched setup to the utterly predictable ending, there is nothing vaguely interesting that occurs throughout this boring sequence of dull scenes. I would like to have seen more of the voluptuous Christina Hendricks in this - but even that treat was rationed.

At least some actors earned a paycheck and got some crumbs of visibility - they need to eat too, regardless of the poor script handed to them. While many of the cast at least tried to do their job, the expressionless lead actor (Michael Shannon, surprisingly not type-cast as a brutal maniac, for once) was quite obviously absolutely lost without a clue about playing a "normal" person.

I had this bland nonsense running on one screen (on Netflix) while browsing the internet on my second screen. So it wasn't a complete waste of my time, fortunately.
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