people over sightseeing
5 March 2018
Actress Joanna Lumley starts her journey from Hong Kong where her father was stationed and where her family lived when she was 4. She travels through China and Mongolia into Russia. She takes the Trans-Siberian Express to Moscow where she last visited as a young model. She carries with her a picture of herself in the Moscow subway.

I love Joanna in AbFab. As a travelogue presenter, she has a caring inquisitiveness. She has a tendency to go off track to some lesser seen places. I like fisherman Sergei and the shaman who has never seen blonde hair. They're not the flashiest of locations but it has plenty of humanity. I don't care as much about the minor oligarch. He's obviously putting on airs and it lacks authenticity. Of course, we can't expect real insights but there are glimpses. Joanna seems more interested in the people than sightseeing. She does inject this with slight humor but not hilarious. She's not trying to play up the jokes and that does hold this back for me. This is nice but not really superior to others of its kind.
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