Red Sparrow (2018)
Pretty Good Spy Film
2 March 2018
You know when half the reviews are rating something a ten and the other half are rating it a one, that it actually falls somewhere in the middle of that.

I had watched some reviews that noted how explicit this film was going to be. It isn't that explicit. What year are we living in anyway? The film Hardcore came out in 1979. Color of Night came out in 1994. Are we really shocked that a film about Russian prostitute / spies has a few scenes of *gasp* sex in it, in the year 2018?

This movie isn't as slow as Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, but it's pretty slow. But who cares? Nobody ever said it was going to be Sucker Punch. It's a Soviet Era spy saga (I guess, though I admit the time frame of the film is confusing since they were still using floppy disks but you could buy a burner phone out of a vending machine).

I think the biggest problem this film has is that it stars Jennifer Lawrence. Don't get me wrong; she does an incredible job. But people still see her as the innocent girl from Hunger Games. People are clutching their pearls that she might, oh my god, take on a more complicated role for once. I think in the future, when she has starred in a larger variety of roles, this film will be much more appreciated because people will stop obsessing over preconceived notions about the actress and watch the actual movie.

And for everyone claiming this film is degrading to women or whatever, I guess they didn't stick around until the end.
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