Broken Arrow (1950)
Creepy Jimmy Stewart
1 March 2018
This mediocre film barely whispers Fellini or Ford, but the creepiness of Stewart's character bedding a 15 yr. old character destroys any notion of quality. The casting of a nubile Debra Paget is unforgivable. Supposedly Stewart was told she was 17 but when the truth surfaced Jimmy allegedly besotted with guilt. Legend or not, the smooching between Paget and Stewart is downright scuzzy. A noble tale about Cochise is ravaged into obscure perversion and the viewer is screened from levels of qualitly that the script suggests. The seduction by a 41 yr. old hack cowboy onto a 15 yr old tissue child is criminal. Why this film proceeded past hollow reads is a vaunted mystery. Spare yourself the ignominy and avoid this abortion.
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