Bering Sea Gold (2012– )
Could be a real winner but for the focus on bickering
25 February 2018
I guess the reality TV "formula" dictates that couch potatoes with no life of their own want to watch low-lifes squabble and bicker. This series has plenty of that.

The premise of ocean gold dredging in the most remote corner of Alaska has a lot of potential, but I have already seen enough chain smoking trailer trash, cursing at one another as a normal means of communication to last me a lifetime.

Throughout the episodes, producers dangle the hope that we will get to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the outdoors, cobble together makeshift gold-getting equipment by our Yankee ingenuity and realize the American dream of striking it rich by the sweat of our brow. After all, isn't it every man and woman's dream to flip off the boss, sell the house and live off the bounty of this great land? That is the fantasy we want to watch; not transplanted white trash tweekers running amuck to the constant "beep- beep" sound-over covering their foul mouths.

In the end, it is all just scripted, boring low-brow "drama" and completely misses the mark.
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