Relentlessly somber 90 minute noir.
23 February 2018
There are parallels to other movies which have been alluded to in other reviews, so I won't bore you with that.

The problem with this movie (for me) is that it starts off moody and depressing and stays that way for the entire run time.

The classical music, clunky pacing and stilted screenplay all work hard to bring you down! There's no glamour, no humor and really nothing to connect the viewer with anything real. The new love affair between Robert Young and Betsy Drake is clinical and distant, till the final scene. Nothing about their relationship seems genuinely emotional or affectionate.

You can also add the rather preposterous sequence of events and the silly way everything gets tied up at the end, to the list of reasons not to take this film seriously.

After watching this I came away thinking that this film was trying too hard to be other films that were a similarly themed and that came out at around the same time.

The only real positive is the tremendous cast.
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