Review of Captive Rage

Captive Rage (1988)
Imposible that this scores 7
21 February 2018
At the time of my review IMDB shows a score of 7 for this dross. Absolutely impossible. The plot is lazy and implausible, the acting is pathetic, particularly Oliver Reed, who was abviously just marking time on this movie. The dialouge is embarrasingly bad. Did I talk about the plot? A bunch of college girls are kidnapped by an army - the girls turn out to be experts in combat, guns, grenades etc., and proceed to overthrow the army of men, run by the evil Oliver Reed (who adopts one of the worst accents you will ever here a professional actor use)

My score of 4 is genererous, but reflects that it's a movie you should see for a laugh on a boozy Saturday after the pub.
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