Simply Amazing and Amazingly Simple
9 February 2018
There are movies, and there are movies which are good enough to be called films. This is one of the best independent films I've seen in my entire life. "Infinite Chamber" is the thinking person's science fiction film. It's not full of wild futuristic ideas or concepts, there are no flash-forwards and flashbacks in its simple plot, and there's no fancy C.G.I., but it's still likely to blow your mind and maybe warm your heart a little too.

Although this film's concept is not a new one, it's execution and conclusion is. What was pulled off with such a small budget, a handful of set pieces, and a just a few characters was simply amazing. Even putting it's indie budget aside, it stands tall against Hollywood sci-fi. So, you're looking for something different to watch tonight? Something that'll make you think (but not too hard), and something that'll leave a smirk on your face? Give this one a shot. I strongly doubt that you'll regret the decision.

NOTE: I watch a LOT of movies. I've literally seen hundreds of movies, and scores of films. "Infinite Chamber" is a film worth your time. Additionally, I very, very rarely rate anything above an 8 (especially recent film or television), and therefore giving this a 9 was refreshing but also a strange feeling. I didn't give it a 9 to even out its IMDB rating (I never do that), I gave it a 9 because it deserves a 9.
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