An absolute blast- no it's not Gone With the Wind
7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film expecting nothing, and I was impressed. I was a bit sad about the turtle not being freed, but throughout the film I laughed out loud. I loved Kylie Minogue's ernest and restrained performance, and I loved seeing a whole new side to Rhada Mitchell. It has the manic and brash quality that aussie films of the period actually had (remember They're a Weird Mob?), and it has a certain charm. Its awesome reliving the era, and it gets it spot on, I remember how tragic the 70's were. The film does acknowledge subtly the darker aspects of the period; sexism, racism and homophobia. The director chose to root everything in the film to the truth (it's based on his youth) and that serves the film well, but having said that the plot is a bit crazy- well I guess it was a crazy time. Having said that there is a weird kind of magic to the ooey gooey surreal explosive climax to the film, that I loved. Free all turtles! haha. I recommend you see it. I loved Priscilla, Welcome to Woop Woop; they are all very different films, and that's a good thing.
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