Three idle seniors with nothing good to do
6 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An old adage says, "There's a little bit of larceny in all of us." Judging from most of the 27 reviews posted before this one, it must be true. Like most others, I pull for the three old-timers in this film to be able to get away with their heist. "Going in Style" is billed as a comedy, crime and drama.

Most of the comments are on the comedy, so no more needs to be said about that. Only a few people weighed in on the serious side of this film - and it has a serious side, clearly. This differs greatly from the genre of crime capers. A bank or any other stick up is not a laughing matter. They pulled an armed robbery. The fact that no one in the bank initially took them seriously seemed an effort to play down the dark side of the film. But when Joe fires a shot from his gun that smashes a clock, it puts fear into the bank staff and clients.

Earlier in the film, Joe says, "A stick-up guy I used to know a long time ago told me that the most important thing is to put fear into everybody right away." Then, Willie asks at one point, "What if we get shot?" Already, this heist for the excitement of it was on the edge of violence. People who have experienced or had family or friends experience violence - in any and many forms, don't soon forget the fear and sense of helplessness. So, Joe, Al and Willie are having an adrenalin rush with a little excitement at the expense of several dozen people likely fearing for their lives.

These three senior citizens probably go back together a long time - maybe to childhood or a neighborhood. So, they are friends and they live together. Willie was a taxi driver most of his life, and he lost a son by the son's 21st birthday. Al was a bartender, and apparently had some other jobs. I don't think the film ever gives a hint of what Joe had done for a living. They all know Al's nephew, Pete and his wife, Kathy; and that couple seems to know Al's friends quite well. We know nothing else about their marriages, spouses or families. The implication is that they didn't have families, except for Willie in the past, or if they did, there are no surviving spouses or children. So, two of the three never had responsibility for others.

Now the three of them live off their social security, which they pool for their apartment, food and living expenses. But they're not poor or destitute. Joe says it would be nice to have more money so they could travel or go somewhere exotic. But he really wants to pull a stick-up because he is bored with life. And, with what the film shows of their daily routine, one can surely understand the boredom. And that's part of the sad aspect of this film.

Why did they just go every day to a boardwalk or park and do nothing else? They had no hobbies, and did nothing at all to have fun or enjoyment. Al showed a little spunk for life which probably came from his visits with Pete and his family, including a couple of grandkids. These guys didn't even play checkers, dominoes or cards. They didn't read. They had no other hobbies, no other place where they hung out with other people. They didn't volunteer any place and had no other interests. And, that's why they were bored.

Compare these three guys, city-bred and living all their lives, mostly without family, with John Gustafson (Jack Lemmon) and Max Goldman (Walter Matthau) in "Grumpy Old Men" of 1993. Even as friendly enemies in retirement and old age, they had friends, some family, and interests with things to do. As others noted, the acting by all of the cast in this film is good. George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg are really old-timers.

But the mostly dark-sided comedy of "Going in Style" is diminished by the sad state of the three old-timers. That makes this film more of a tragedy than anything else. In spite of Joe's wink to Pete at the end as Joe is led back into his prison cell, it's never right to pull an armed robbery. Nor does an end justify any means. Unfortunately, this film seems to send the opposite message.
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