The Simpsons: Dead Putting Society (1990)
Season 2, Episode 6
An entertaining look at the neighbour rivalry that is Homer vs Flanders
25 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, one of the best episodes of the first season was "The Call of the Simpsons" in which Homer, spurred on by jealousy of Ned's success, buys an RV and takes his family on a trip that ends with them having to endure in the wild. It was an early and brief look into Homer's jealousy and oft-contempt for Ned Flanders, the lovable yet irritating neighbour and was arguably my favourite element of that episode. "Dead Putting Society" takes those strengths a step further.

This isn't the greatest Homer vs Flanders episode (or perhaps more accurately, Simpsons vs Flanders) but it's an entertaining one in which Homer and Ned sign up their children (Bart and Todd) for a miniature golf tournament to see who is the better of the two. There's enough laughs, many of which are now starting to really come from Homer and there's enough heart and charm and humour elsewhere, namely the engaging dynamic of Bart and Lisa that help hold the episode together.

If there's any real criticism I have beyond the fact that this still isn't *quite* The Simpsons I love, it's the rushed and not completely convincing resolution to the conflict in which Bart and Todd agree on a tie over their miniature golf tournament. It's a moment that probably should work a lot better but the emotional aspect of the moment doesn't really ring true for me as the show will successfully pull off time and time again and even has done so a number of times up to this point in the series (see "Bart Gets an F" as a prime candidate).

Otherwise this is an entertaining episode with an engaging storyline, enough humour and a sense of charm to pull it together. The final scene is an absolute classic and the episode's final line is equally a classic. "Dead Putting Society" isa solid and early look at the conflict between Ned Flanders and Homer Simpson (most of the time spurred by the latter) and while not one of the best episodes, is still a relatively classic episode of the show's earliest days.
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