13/13/13 (2013)
23 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that this centuries' trifecta doomsday dates ended at 12/12/12 did not deter the folks at Asylum. Never should the facts stand in the way of a horror film. For some reason "we" were never meant to have a leap year, but rather "we" were supposed to add a month every 120 years. Apparently the creation of artificial calendars has a profound effect on people. On this new calender date of 13/13/13 people suddenly go into a berserker mode for no real reason and people born on Feb 29 are unaffected most likely for the same reason, whatever that is...my guess is angering the calendar god of an extinct civilization.

Okay, it is easy to overlook plot point stupidity in a horror film, especially Asylum. This creates a zombie like atmosphere where a small group of people (in this case 2) must battle against raging hordes of humanity who also like to kill each other and themselves. Jack (Trae Ireland) our main character takes his divorced wife (Calico Cooper) to the hospital leaving his daughter Kendra (Tiffany Martinez) alone with his redneck buddies. When all hell breaks lose he wants to go back home to try to find his daughter who wasn't born on Feb 29...

That is the story. There are gallons of blood all over the place with the opening scene being a sad display of special make-up. There is an unreasonable amount of F-bomb dropping with an uncomfortable scene with 12 year old Kendra crudely asking a grown man if he wants to have relations with her making this unrated film unsuitable for most people.

This is not the direction Asylum needs to go.

Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity. Sex talk.
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