A Christmas Story Live! (2017 TV Movie)
Everybody associated with this production needs to be blackballed from the entertainment industry...
18 December 2017
Having been thoroughly disappointed by Peter Pan Live, The Sound of Music Live and Grease Live, I'm not sure why I expected A Christmas Story Live, based on one of my favorite movies of all time, to be any better. (ed. It was worse. Far worse than I could have possibly imagined.)

The good: The kid playing Ralphie did look kinda like Peter Billingsley.

That's it for the good.

Everything else, from the awful pre-intro by some atrociously auto-tuned and over-mixed pop thing, to the horrible finale, was just wave after wave of telecinematic diarrhea. It was like the producers, director and Matthew Broderick went out on a weeklong bender of Pabst Blue Ribbon, dubious quality burritos, chili-cheese fries and buckets of MSG, then proceeded to explosively defecate this show on the consciousness of the North American people.

Broderick, your career was pretty much dead. You should have let it die completely, rather than sign on to this.

Every character, completely mis-cast, and without getting into specifics, the liberal-agenda political correctness B.S. sprinkled throughout was glaringly obvious and contrived.

Everybody associated with this production, from the executive producers, all the way down to the youngest performer, even the poor kid from the catering company who put out the napkins, needs to be blackballed/blacklisted from the entertainment industry, and be forced to eke out their existence flipping burgers. And not the good $15/hr burger-flipping jobs in Washington state. The crappy $10/hr burger-flipping gigs where the employees still get treated like scum.

Sadly, IMDB does not allow me to give this piece of excrement a zero-star rating. I'm looking at the other reviews, and anything that is not a 1star, I'm thinking "What the hell did you watch? Because you clearly saw something different than what I was watching."
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