Not good.
26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love anthologies, but this one is just awful. A few shorts are okay, but nothing really blew me away. Of course, some of the shorts are so terrible that I contemplated turning the whole thing off. Spoilers below.

The worst of the bunch, for me, is ""La Cosa mas Preciada/The Most Precious Thing". It's cheesy, stupid, and worst of all has some weird crap nobody wants to see in a so-called rated 'R' film. Don't watch this anthology with your parents, children (no matter what age), or really anyone, honestly. This particular short literally has close- up shots of "aluxes" (troll/imp/whatever) penis. Yes, really. The whole short was cliché, couldn't pick a genre, and just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

My favorite short was "Jaral de Berrios". The cinematography here was really gorgeous, and there were some neat effects. However, it was so short that it didn't really explain anything or go into enough detail to make a big impact on the viewer.

Overall, this anthology is really weak, and I can't recommend it. Give it a pass in favor of better options.
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