20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This man's story is definitely tragic and I feel for him and his family. In saying that, I'm reviewing this as a film and it's not great. The problem with making a true story film about a person who had a fairly ordinary life until one event happens is that there is not enough material for a full length movie. I had the same issue with 127 Hours. The writers have to find filler and, in this case, it was John's early relationship with his wife and, as someone previously said, a weird Benjamin Button remake with his unborn son. I feel as though if the makers of this had just kept it in the period he went caving and was stuck with perhaps more focus on how he, his family and rescuers were dealing with it, it would have been a more powerful telling of his story. Instead, I spent the first part wondering who the strangely dressed man was that kept popping up. The acting was okay but the underground scenes were confusing and you couldn't really get a sense of what was going on when he got stuck and afterwards. Although it was good that John's story was told, I feel it could have been done better.
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