Bottle Rocket (1996)
Anderson's debut !!!
7 November 2017
'Bottle Rocket' was Wes Anderson's first feature film and one can clearly see the rough, unpolished edges in this film which is somewhat expected from a first-time filmmaker. Although one can understand that the characters in the film are a bunch of individuals who are constantly plagued by a nagging feeling of inadequacy and insecurity. They are a bunch of suburban man-children who at the back of their minds are conscious of their immaturity, but at the same time, they are also reluctant to consciously make an effort to trigger any sort of growth in a mature way. Instead they think of silly and potentially self-destructive ways to find entertainment and meaning in their lives. But the problem is, the Anderson's treatment of these characters never really go beyond a broad, superficial level. The film doesn't explore or give enough information about their past to backup their character motivations in the film. Their is a romance sub-plot added involving Luke Wilson's character Anthony and a housekeeper of the motel that Anthony, Dignan and Bob were staying in, and unfortunately it feels really rushed and the romance never really goes anywhere.

Anderson's style of storytelling wasn't yet as quirky and unique in 'Bottle Rocket' as it became later on. Yes there are elements like the use of slow motion, the use of music and certain visual idiosyncrasies that connects it with the subsequent films in Anderson's body of work. But for the most part, the direction and storytelling in 'Bottle Rocket' remains somewhat conventional.

However, have said all that, the film still wasn't a disappointment. This is because the presence of truly witty and enjoyable humour, to some extent makes up for the lack of character depth. The subversive set-pieces, the understated dryly funny dialogue and the comic timing in the acting performances really made the film entertaining.

I don't think the film is deep enough for viewers looking for a very dense, layered character piece. But just on a superficial level, there is quite a bit of fun that can be had with it due to the inherent comedy in it. Recommended.
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