The Line-Up (1913)
The most exciting game we have ever seen on the screen
4 November 2017
A fine two-reel special offering which is in truth a feature. The story is of college life and its hero is the captain of a football team. We find the villain in the captain of the rival team, and the climax comes at the end of a fiercely contested football game which is the most exciting game we have ever seen on the screen. To see the picture is almost as good as to be a college man when the home football team wins. A tremendous crowd of spectators has been perfectly suggested. Their enthusiasm shows vividly the phases of the game and the changing of victory from the villain's to the hero's side. We cannot say that the story is wholly convincing, but is certainly effective, and the producer and players deserve high commendation. A very desirable offering, one to excite enthusiasm. - The Moving Picture World, September 6, 1913
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