Rehashed crap
22 October 2017
A terrible rehash of the original Jungle Book, where everything is worse, and they lead characters ever so often do song and dance numbers, even less motivated than in the original film.

John Goodman as Baloo is maybe passable (but different from the original version, of course), Haley Joel Osment is OK as Mowgli, Phil Collins is great and the other actors do a decent day's work, but the story stinks, and a lot of the scenes and ploys are reused from the original movie.

Although those involved in the making of this howler pride themselves of the fact that the technology used in this movie was so vastly better than that used in the original movie, it sure is one of the worst Disney movies I've seen, and I've seen a lot, the last 60 years of my life!

Thanks to huge advances in technology, and script-writing, movies this bad are just not made by Disney nowadays!
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