Cathy's Curse (1977)
What a find
24 October 2017
Back in 1947, a man learns that his wife has left and taken their five-year-old son, George. His daughter, Laura, is a crying mess, but her father yells that, "Your mother is a bitch! She'll pay for what she did to you!" They race out into the snow and narrowly miss hitting a white rabbit. The car crashes and they burn to death.

When he grows up, George moves back into his family home with his clinically insane wife Vivian and daughter Cathy. George is really happy that Cathy is adjusting so well, which upsets his wife, because he always judges how crazy she is.

Well, Cathy isn't doing so well. She sees Laura's face in the mirror and has started to play with the dead girl's doll. When anyone tries to take the doll, she throws her cereal across the room, to which the maid answers, "Don't worry about it!" No. Much like The Babadook and Manhattan Baby, the majority of these supernatural kid problems come down to bad parenting.

Basically, this movie is a collection of Cathy doing crazier and crazier things, like getting neighborhood kids to re-enact the car crash that started the film, which includes making young boys say things like, "All women are bitches." Then she tries to stab a girl's eyes out.

Then she throws a maid out the window in a scene that has nothing to do with The Omen.

There's also a medium who shows up just to hang out and see the past through a photograph, yelling out moments of the car crash. Because you know, that's what you do when ladies lunch. She keeps coming back to try and stop Cathy, but the first time she's scared off when the little girl is rude and calls her an old bitch and a fat whore. This being Canada, one can see how that level of improper behavior could scare off anyone. But she comes back a third time and Cathy conjures another old woman who refers to her as "not a medium, but an extra rare piece of s**t," a line I will be using quite often.

The handyman agrees to watch her, but she keeps making him drink. Then, she kills his dog.

Cathy's powerset is never clearly defined. She can teleport. She can become other people. She can change her voice. She can shake, smash, move and explode objects. She can make food go bad just by looking at it! What else can she do?

That said — the reason why Laura's ghost possesses Cathy is never really defined either. Does she want to get back at George? Does she want to be alive again? Does she want Cathy to die when she tries to drown her? Does she want to kill Cathy's mom? You'll wonder, too!

Even the ending makes no sense!

So you'd think I hated this movie. No. I loved it. It has no establishing shots. Characters and subplots float in and out and are never referenced again. None of this matters to me. The fact that a seven-year-old girl has glowing eyes and a filthy mouth and is out to kill people makes me filled with joy.

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