Lycan (2017)
By The Numbers
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of independent films and especially low budget horror films made by fans of the genre. Some of the best made horror movies began with a ton of imagination and little funds. Two great examples are THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE and THE HILLS HAVE EYES. Both tell an original story, both use actors who are far from famous and both take the elements of the genre and mold them into something memorable. Unfortunately the same can't be said of LYCAN.

The movie feels like a checklist made film, one that looks at all others and then compiles that list to mark off the things needed for a horror film. Students? Check. Oddball among them? Check. Mysterious location? Check. Legend being investigated? Check. Stoner in the group? Check. Videotaping the events? Check. See where I'm coming from? Students are given the assignment to do a deep investigation into a historical story and then write a report on it. Rather than individuals they are placed in groups, which of course sets them at odds with one another over issues like what to do or the snooty girl in conflict with the oddball. Rather than look into the story of a man wrongfully convicted of a crime they choose to look into the legend of a woman accused of being a werewolf.

This involves going to the location of where it took place which happens to be on land next to where the oddball girl lives. It also involves camping. That leads to drinking and smoking grass and someone getting roofied. It also means that these students will eventually be watched by something in the woods.

The movie takes far too long to set up the premise and then more wasted time to set the kids up to get lost ala BLAIR WITCH. Fortunately the videotaped portions aren't long but then they add nothing to the film either. The performances are well intended but for the most part on the poor side. The only good thing about this film is the final sequence which offers a decent explanation of what's been going on as well as a nice reveal. The problem is the hour or so it took to get there not to mention the fact most will figure out at least part of that beforehand.

Look, I love a good horror movie and as I said I'm glad that when someone has the chance they take a risk and put something out there. But it doesn't always work. The extras show that this group really had their heart in it but that just isn't enough to make a great movie. Horror fans might want to watch this and see what they think but for the most part other may want to pass it by.
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