The Pacific (2010)
Thank you
20 October 2017
Mini Series like The Pacific are one of a kind just like its European counterpart Band of Brothers is. They both serve a purpose.

While more and more of the surviving veterans who fought both wars are leaving us to join their fallen brothers, those two are keeping their memories for the next generations to come. They are reminding us of their sacrifices, their bravery and most importantly to remind us that they went into harms way so the world can finally leave in peace again.

As a great grand daughter of one of those heroes, I thank you, Steven and Tom, for serving that noble cause. We should never forget those heroes who witnessed death at each step they took, losing many of their friends and sometimes siblings while getting wounded themselves.

My great grandfather never talked much about what he saw but we could feel that it's something that haunted him for the rest of his life. He didn't consider himself as a hero but just as a young man willing to do his duty. I'm so proud of him and all his brothers who fought alongside him. I miss him so much. ♥

So there is no need to compare both The Pacific and Band of Brothers because they are both an amazing tribute to the ones we call the Greatest Generation. Through them, we saw the ugliness of war and how mankind can be able to display unbelievable cruelty to each other. When you see Snafu digging gold through the denture of a dead Japanese or the horrible manslaughter of a Banzai charge, it takes you to the guts and you realize how traumatizing that war was and we should fight to never allow such a bloodshed again.

So thank you Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg for reminding us that terrible truth in an age where war still rages on a lesser scale but still claims lives everyday. It seems we still have much to learn.
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