Bad Message
19 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for the "Ploys R Us" segment of this episode. The former "Hot Air Buffoon" was an alright episode, but nothing special. Seeing the Mayor become the villain was great fun though. It gave his character an interesting edge following episode after episode of seeing him be the clown of the show. Indeed, this episode makes this the reason for him turning to the dark side, although I wish they could have made it a bit more creative.

Anyway, the "Ploys R Us" segment is one I have an issue with from an ethical and learning standpoint for children. In this segment we see the girls take advantage of the Professor's sleepwalking by making him steal toys for them during the night. During the day they would play dumb when they are called to the stores. This in itself is a bad idea to convey to children. Stealing is bad enough, but to manipulate someone to do the stealing for you is just a whole lot worse.

As this segment progresses the Professor cottons on to the girls' scheme when he wakes up in the middle of one of his sleepthieving nights. The Powerpuff Girls has a strong history of forcing learning points for the girls when they do bad things, and this presented with a perfect line up, given that stealing is just a terrible thing to do. Instead of coming up with something creative, the writers thought it was appropriate to see the Professor fake getting shot by the police after taking the Mayor hostage whilst sleepthieving. I mean, seriously? Solving a terrible crime with a learning message that conveys violence is just not correct. Children might try to undertake similar means of teaching their friends/family a lesson, which is not great. This is then topped off by the Mayor saying that the girls could keep the toys they stole as they were paid for. By who, the taxpayer? The fact that ther actions had no repercussions and that they got to keep the stolen goods just enhances this episode's terrible plot.

Bad show guys and girls!
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