Make it 6.5!
23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 31 October 1952 by Monogram Pictures Corp. No New York opening. U.S. release: 9 November 1952. No U.K. or Australian theatrical release. 53 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: A plot to ruin a rancher by rustling his cattle is foiled by a couple of deputy marshals.

COMMENT: This Whip Wilson western rates a notch above his usual efforts. The reason is mainly in the cast. Bob Wilke is one of our favorite villains and he gets a large share of the action in this one (which followed soon after his success in "High Noon"). And Phyllis Coates, although she doesn't have all that much footage here, is one of the most fetching of the "B"-picture heroines. And then there are such faithful stand-bys as Lyle Talbot and I. Stanford Jolley.

Another reason this film rates better than most is that Mr. Wilson himself is less wooden and not so unattractively photographed (though his fans will be disappointed that he neither uses nor even wears his whip in this one).

Another reason lies in the fact there's a bit more action. In fact the standard land-grabbing plot incorporates a couple of seductive original twists. Alas, there are no chases with running inserts and the exteriors were photographed in the familiar Hollywood back- blocks (the only cattle we see are in a snip of stock footage); but by way of compensation there's a saloon brawl at the beginning, a couple of ambushes in the middle and a big shoot-out at the end.

Carr's direction has pace and a small trace of style and the film is short too (though one must admit it seems just as long as usual). Photography comes across as well above average (doubtless explained by the presence of Charles Van Enger though the photographic style of the film is pretty consistent. If the two cameramen didn't work in tandem, maybe Van Enger shot the exteriors. Then again the scene in the jail is better lit than the one in the saloon). Other credits and production values measure up to standard.
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