Wonder Woman (2017)
I'd rather watch re-runs of Lynda Carters Wonder Woman
22 September 2017
So I rented this movie, and was thankful that I didn't go see it in the theatre! The last 1/2 hour of the movie I kept looking at the clock wondering when this crap movie would end. Gal Gadot is cute and attractive, but she can't save this movie. It is so over blown with CGI that it's just terrible! Chris Pine, every time I see him I see & hear William Shatner. At one point in the movie they had a close up for him and I was like..."It's Michel Myers from Halloween!" The whole movie is just stupid.....bad acting, bad WW1 stages, bad costumes, really bad effects. I am so tired of the entire super hero movies thing. Hollywood has tanked!!! How did this awful movie get such a high rating, what a joke!
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