Get out of my life
21 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the title this is not a rom com just a tedious film with unlikeable characters that you will care little about.

Grace (Anna Chancellor) finds out she has a brain tumour and only has five days to live because then she has to undergo a dangerous operation. Her second husband Tom (James Fleet) is distraught and finds comfort in alcohol.

Grace needs to get her life in order, she is a successful architect in Toronto and has two daughters. Then her her ex-husband Richard (John Hannah) a successful turns up in her bedroom proclaiming that Grace was the love of his life and wants her back.

After the horrible way Richard behaves which includes trying to get rid of Tom from his house, Richard's wife Tamara (Hermione Norris) turns up, the woman Richard left Grace for.

It was strange to see so many Brits turning up in Toronto and really little use is made of the city. I cared little about the story and the characters. I could guess who would end up with whom and it was not as funny or breezy it thought it was.
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