Swiss Miss (1938)
Hit and Miss
10 September 2017
Laurel and Hardy worked best in their shorts. The feature length films they made were too padded out such as with Swiss Miss which had songs that go on and on.

Laurel and Hardy have travelled from the USA to Switzerland to sell mouse traps unsuccessfully, after being ripped off by some locals with fake currency they end up working in a hotel as dishwashers. For every dish they break, they have to work extra days. Unfortunately they keep breaking dishes.

They encounter a singer who is in disguise as she wants to work at her husband's latest musical which he is writing in the Swiss Alps. Laurel tells Hardy that the lady fancies him!

The film works best when it concentrates on the duo such as Stanley trying to coax brandy from a St Bernard or when the two try to move a piano through a drawbridge but get chased by a gorilla.

Unfortunately the film does not feature Laurel and Hardy enough and has too many interminable song and dance numbers.
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