"A countdown to the end of history as we know it."
8 September 2017
Orson Welles hosts and narrates this Christian docudrama, based on a popular book, about biblical prophecies and then current events that foreshadow the coming End Times. Obviously they jumped the gun on that last part as we're still here nearly forty years later. I generally enjoy stuff about prophecies and the apocalypse and all that jazz. That this has a religious bent doesn't bother me. It obviously triggers Certain Types. But then again the list of things those people are offended by grows every day. The dramatizations, filmed on location, are well done for this type of thing. Orson Welles had one of the great voices in movie history so having him be the narrator of this is a huge plus.

Nothing about this is going to convert you, hurt you, offend your deity of choice, or effect you in any way at all beyond the entertainment value you do or do not get out of watching it. It's just some speculation about the world ending thirty-eight years ago. It's fun and even silly at times, despite (or because of) its earnestness. The seventies was full of "the world is coming to an end" fear-mongering. This one takes the Biblical prophecy route but I've lost count of how many books, TV shows and movies back then claimed the world was in dire trouble and would be overpopulated and unlivable by the 1990s. That the air would be unbreathable, the oceans would be pure sludge, and the few brave souls who dared venture outside of their caves would be stung to death by hordes of killer bees. If nothing else maybe we should view movies like this whenever we get to thinking we're so special and our generation is going to finally be the last one. Because we're not and it isn't.

I can't say you'll like this movie. Maybe it'll send you into a white knuckle rage. If so, call up your local pharmacy and get a price check on chill pills. If, like me, you enjoy films like this or Chariots of the Gods and you aren't bothered by this being made by people with religious beliefs you may not share, then seek this out. It's entertaining if you go into it with the right frame of mind.
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