Surprisingly Wonderful Combo of Different Guests Works Great
4 September 2017
This showed up on WFUT Labor Day weekend 2017. Woody Allen always seemed uncomfortable doing stand up, and especially acting as MC, where he had to introduce guests, but after his initial appearance, he seemed to enjoy himself in this hour which originally aired around New Year's Eve.

Liza, who became more OTT and less intelligible with lyrics over the years here was not at all shouty, with MY BEAUTIFUL BALLOON and FEELIN' GROOVY, just singing, no dancing.

There was a so-so sketch about mini skirts with Allen, Byner and Minnelli that went on too long, but the next one was a gem about a spoiled child star, Baby Bobby Dimple, played by Woody in a blond wig and falsetto voice. His film career behind him, he decides to run for state senate and acts very much like Trump when he doesn't get his way.

The final sketch was a parody of BONNIE AND CLYDE, with Allen as Clyde and Minnelli as Bonnie; this was lovingly done, like the old movie send-ups on YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS. It's a shame no one offered such a series to Allen, but probably he would not have taken them up, as his movie career was about to take off.

William F. Buckley, a conservative, and Woody, a liberal, take questions from the audience, and most of the answers were jokes. All this and Aretha Franklin too!

The end credits misspelled Marshall Brickman as Marshall Brinkman, which possibly amused him.
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