Review of Nine Lives

Nine Lives (I) (2016)
So I'm a sucker for movies with cats in them...
26 August 2017
... but this is one of those body/soul switch films with a twist versus the average script about this thing. No old man getting to feel young again. No teenager in mom's body suddenly having to watch her carb intake or find out she's gained five pounds overnight.

Instead, this is a silly, predictable, yet very entertaining, piece of fluff about a wealthy builder (Kevin Spacey) who manages to get trapped inside a cat's body. The cat, named Mr. Fuzzypants, spends most of the film trying to get people to realize he is really Spacey, while Spacey lies in a coma. Along the way, there is some business intrigue, as Spacey's underlings attempt to take over his company. Will Mr. Fuzzypants save the day? Jennifer Garner plays Spacey's current wife, and she looks great. Spacey's first wife, played by Cheryl Hines, wears some of the tightest clothes in history and adds just the right amount of bi... - ahem - "crankiness" to her role. There are some laugh-out-loud scenes, such as when Mr. Fuzzypants tries to sneak past security guards who happen to be watching cat videos.

Christopher Walken, as the very weird pet shop owner, is perfectly cast. I admire anyone who can deliver his lines with a straight face, all the while wearing a three-piece green suit and bow-tie.

Recommended for the silliness and fun of it all.
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