One Man Force (1989)
Big Man Big Rage
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When a tough cop's partner is gunned down, he get's mad and goes all out for vengeance.Now let me say right away that One Man Force (1989/USA)from the Hollywood branded 4 film DVD set Tough Guys is a low budget low concept action flick. Written produced and directed by Gale Trevillion and staring John Matuszak and i suspect this movie was shot very very quickly. The movie squeaks with cheapness with more cliche's per minute than your average superhero movie, while most of the action is to all effect laughable. And yet, and yet,you know what i actually rather liked it, this picture has no pretensions it knows exactly what it is. A straight to video consumable and get's on with it's slightly goofy no nonsense thumping and bashing of the bad guy's and all with the maximum fighting, shouting and a lot of shooting.The films great moment comes fairly early on during a shoot out the hero of the movie attacks a villain with a fridge freezer, now this i have not seen before. Hilarious, overall a passable 5/10.
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