Review of Esteros

Esteros (2016)
A gentle, moving and emotionally satisfying love story
20 August 2017
What's interesting about Esteros is how little surprises there are. The film plays out almost exactly as one would expect, its flashback structure isn't particularly innovative and the conflict isn't particularly tense either. And yet, I am in love with this film.

Esteros plays largely like a fan-fiction - and not in a bad way either. Childhood friends with an intimate friendship, grow apart with time only to reunite years later unexpectedly to rekindle their friendship and something more.

The film rests entirely on the intimate relationship between between Matias and Jero - and for good reason too. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable - there is a sense of age to their relationship dynamic, that when they interact for the first time in years it feels awkward and tepid, as if they were relearning how to be around each other. It's those small details that lend an honesty and a truth to the relationship - so that when they kiss for the first time, the film has been building immensely towards it.

It is Esteros' devotion to the small emotional details that make it so emotionally satisfying. While not groundbreaking by any means, its gentleness and sweetness are infectious, and it's always nice to see a queer-themed film that wants its characters to get the happy ending they deserve.
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