Wanders off the beaten track a little
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A woman with a dubious background finds herself standard in the desert pursued by a single zombie. She's not dressed for the occasion, it's hot and she has a plane to catch.

I thought this was a great little movie. It wanders slightly off the path of your typical zombie flick and was a refreshing change.

There are some areas that didn't quite gel with me. At one point the movie feels like an assignment for a college project, like the director had to use at least five visual affects to convey exhaustion in a single scene or something.

The film takes a change in pace and plot at one point which I didn't think was needed. They could have happily stopped the film early and saved some money.

The film is semi-serious with some school boy elements and occasional bits of humour. There are some cracks in the plot about how she overcomes the zombie but it is a zombie movie, so any viewer should know better than to tug at those threads anyway.

An easy watch, not bad at all.
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