Summer in the Vineyard (2017 TV Movie)
Summer isn't Autumn
13 August 2017
I think the biggest problem with this sequel is that it tried to do too much, but maybe the acting and direction weighed it down as well.

If I heard one more "The wine isn't ready yet" after Frankie tasted it, I was going to scream.

This sequel adds a romance between Nate's brother, Marco, and Frankie's cousin, Lexy. It's a nice enough side story with some good chemistry. This might have been the best part of the movie, or at least the easiest for the viewer to identify with.

For most of the movie, Frankie and Nate just weren't clicking. Even when they did click, it seemed strained when they definitely should have been nothing but happy.

The fate of Sorrento Vineyard seemed to rock back and forth as more issues were added to the mix that affected their financial future. I think it was too much for the movie to handle. They seemed to bounce from one issue to another without really giving the viewer time to absorb any of them.

As much as I liked Frankie and Nate in the first movie, I just couldn't get invested in their relationship in the sequel.
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