The Time Tunnel: Attack of the Barbarians (1967)
Season 1, Episode 26
Meeting Marco Polo
10 August 2017
In this episode ours friends meet Marco Polo like always in each episode Irwin Allen provides a famous person to share the story to us, not always accurate of course but works, the interesting of this episode was the first time Tony falling in love with princess Sarit who actually live in thirteenth century and he is contemplating the crazy idea to stays there, apart from that l found one of most weak episode of the entire series, Arthur Batanides has a very convincing act as Batu.

Goofs: In the beginning of the episode when Tony and Doug are fighting against Mongolians you can see clearly the track of the truck's tyres in the grass...


First watch: 1971 / How many: 5 / Source: TV-Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 7
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