Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Chase (1993)
Season 6, Episode 20
Picard seeks recipe for biscuits, finds cook
1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
An archaeology professor shows up with a puzzle, a gift, and an opportunity for Picard. Picard declines and gets scolded by the professor who quickly dies in order to guilt Picard into finishing his work. A Klingon destroys a planet in order to safe guard his piece of the puzzle. The Cardasians show up with another piece of the puzzle and reveal that it is in fact a recipe for biscuits. Hijinks follow. Surprise, the Romulus's are here! The puzzle is completed but it's just a hologram and not biscuits. Fiddlesticks.

This episode might have been compelling if it didn't feel forced and unnecessary. Since the inception of Star Trek alien human hybrids were a given. Spock is half Human half Vulcan. Earlier this season we met a half Klingon half Romulan. Alexander's mother is half Human half Klingon. That the various humanoids throughout the galaxy share a common ancestor ought to be obvious. There is no mystery here, but the writers want to take us for a ride in order to explain the things we already know. Fine.

The Klingon guest star steals the show.

By the time Generations rolls around Picard will no longer value the Kurlan Naiskos.
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