The Brainiac (1962)
Nobody likes the Spanish Inquisition
30 July 2017
The Brainiac opens in Mexico City 1661 where because it is ruled by Spain they've brought in the Inquisition. A certain nobleman played by Abel Salazar has been tried and found guilty of all kinds of nasty things the Inquisition frowns on. As he's burned at the stake Salazar says he's coming back to settle accounts like anyone named Corleone would.

300 years later as a new comet which apparently is only seen by a select few goes across the sky Salazar reappears as a wealthy baron. But when he gets the descendants of his accusers alone, he turns into one ugly beast with a hypnotic stare that freezes them. Then out come the teeth, a pair of sabre-tooth tiger like fangs where he drills into their skulls and sucks out the gray matter.

This doesn't exactly have the production values of a Yankee film, but for the genre it's not too bad.

I guarantee nightmares for days.
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