Code Lyoko (2003–2007)
A Great show! With heavy atmosphere an believable characters!
29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Code Lyoko is one of my favorite shows of all time!!! I decided to re-visit it as an adult recently and the show really proves it can interest a multitude of age groups. The show follows five kids, Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, Jeramy, and Aelita. (plot summery) Jeramy finds a supercomputer one day in a abandoned factory(shown in Xana Awakens). When he turns it on he find Aelita, who is held prisoner by the "bad guy' virus Xana. so Jeramy and the rest of the "lyoko warriors" band together to fight the virus. Xana can effect both the computer and the real world. in the real world by, possessing people, animals, or things powered by electricity. (this can become more complicated in later seasons) However in Lyoko, he "activates" a tower and has monsters Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi fight. (if they are not stuck in the real world)- this premise is repeated every episode.

First I want to mention some of the shows problems. Although mainly in the first season, the animation can be clunky, and voice acting a little off. (over-acting or just weird readings) the show also has a look/animation that takes some getting used to. However, when this show does something well, it does it great! the three things I really think make this show one of the best are as followed. First off, this show feels "lived in", in most shows where the kids go to school, you barely see it. that's not the case here, the show goes out of its way to make sure we get a taste for each of the main characters everyday life. even Lyoko feels "lived in", the show doesn't over complicate the plot for each episode and really lets the environment soak in. each episode is repetitive, but I always felt it was repetitive the same way real life can be.

second, I really believe the relationship of the five friends, sure they are archetypes (like the smart character has glasses). However the way each character works off each other, feels like friend groups I had when I was there age. They aren't all equally best friends, which is believable, such as Ulrich and Odd, Jeramy and Aelita, and Ulrich and Yumi are the closest pairings. Also the romantic relationship between Ulrich and Yumi is all over the place, but still feels true to the age of the characters. it is just freaking adorable at times, but is smartly played for laughs (which is how most adults remember middle school love)

And thirdly, Each character is layered and feels real, also matching their age. (this is more true in later seasons) for instance Ulrich is arguably the best fighter, and stays silent about most hardships in his life, and in the episode "vertigo". we find out he has Vertigo (a complicated fear of heights). And has kept this hidden from his friends, when they find out, he's distant, embarrassed and angry. I find it incredibly believable that the cool, well liked,and athletically confident character would react this way. and I also believe that he would have the condition in the first place. although i used this episode as an example, most episodes of the show take time with each character to layer them.

This was a admittedly a long winded review, however I felt it was worth mentioning. Id say if your looking for a plot heavy, constantly on your toes show with perfect episodes/animation. you'll probably be disappointed. however if your curios or feeling nostalgic for a show with memorable characters and a great sense of atmosphere- check it out!!
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