Charming fluffy fun
19 July 2017
'Lullaby of Broadway' had a lot of promise. Gene Nelson, a very talented dancer, Doris Day (my main reason for seeing it), a singer and actress personally can't get enough of, a fantastic poster, Technicolor and the involvement of veterans like SZ Sakall, Gladys George and Florence Bates.

While 'Lullaby of Broadway' could have been better overall as a film, none of the above disappoint. Three things let it down. The story is silly and uninspired, livened up by the songs and most of the staging of them. Some of it feels under-directed in some non-musical scenes and even in a couple of numbers, especially "You're Dependable", which needed a good deal of reigning in but instead makes Billy De Wolfe and Anne Triola to over-compensate.

De Wolfe and Triola do resort to mugging often, and it grates rather than entertains with some of the vaudevillian humour feeling 30+ years out of date. Triola is especially hammy, a very large slice of ham where subtlety completely eludes her.

However, the Technicolor is just glorious, with gorgeous colours. The clothes are also a feast for the eye. 'Lullaby of Broadway' benefits too from very memorable songs, particularly the title song, "Zip! Went the Strings of My Heart" and "Just One of Those Things". Most are choreographed well, with a breath-taking routine for "Zip! Went the Strings of My Heart" that is one of the best routines ever seen in any musical with Doris Day.

The script is light and fluffy but also amiable and witty, while there is enough zippy pacing to make up for the mostly underwhelming story.

Day captivates in her acting, which is natural and fresh, and especially her sublime singing. Nelson is an effectively likable leading man and proves himself a fine dancer. SZ Sakall plays his usual role but does it well, charming, cuddly and never irritating, while Florence Bates and Gladys George bring both humour and class to their supporting roles (although George also has a few scenes she has some memorably funny and truthful lines).

In conclusion, good if not great fun. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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