Black Snow (2017)
A Family Stinking with Dysfunction
9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good movie, lyrical with strong performances everyone is not what they appear and the meek inherit the earth. It is slow at the start and as the movie goes on it draws you in so that as you find out the truth you are honestly a bit repulsed. It does what a classical mystery movie should do, it starts with the present and tells the past in bits and pieces that come together at the end. Some of it you can guess but some you cannot. It is set in the mountains in what is supposed to be the wilds of Patagonia. Most of this was filmed in an isolated cabin with the three main characters. No actors were frozen in the making of this movie which was filmed in Andorra in the mountains and for some scenes snow had to be imported. The end is somewhat subject to interpretation. What is clear is now that his pregnant wife who has more sense than anyone else will be running the show.
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