The Keepers (II) (2017)
See the movie "spotlight" (2015), then see this documentary.
27 June 2017
I'm petrified by the share amount of corruption is going on right in front of our eyes. It is absolutely staggering. How did it all come to this? Or has it been here all along? Is our society corrupt to the very core? I remember when the story about the abuse in the catholic church broke in 2002, and the movie "spotlight" which i consider to be the best film of 2015, tells this story. How they started investigating a priest for abuse and rape, and then they pretty much opened a can of worms.

The story exploded, and grew so fast the reporters were in doubt this could even be true. But as we now know, it is true. And we know it was covered up by the Catholic church. They knew. There is no doubt about this. Thousands of priests abused and raped children all over the world, in large numbers.

When someone rapes and/or abuses children, that is a tragedy in itself. And those performing such acts, or assist, have knowledge of but keep it secret or cover it up, are all equally guilty. What scares me after i saw "spotlight" is that it made me realize how big this problem is. But this is not the scariest part. The scariest part is that the police, high ranked priests, politicians, justice agencies and judges help cover it up.

For someone to see "the keepers" documentary and say: This cannot happen. Well you live in a fantasy world, and you better start reading and educate yourself. We live in a rotten society where the church, which is based on being the good, a place for people to find hope, for many is a place of horror and despair. And that you as a victim, will be silenced, threatened, tortured and/or killed if you speak up against them.

How is this even possible? Where is the justice? These people that have been abused are dying while still being traumatized. And i can only imagine the enormous sense of feeling lost they must have, when they constantly see the justice system fail them over and over and over again. It is absolutely totally unforgivable.

What we are witnessing is a system that protects itself and it's "members". This system is not only the church, this system as we now know, spans all the way to top politicians, which are receiving huge donations from the church, so they can stay in power, and be compliant. This is corruption we cannot allow in leading societies as we live in, this is dictatorships level of justice.

Recently in the news there has been articles covering a series of sexual abuses in Argentina by catholic priests, and that the pope himself has been trying to cover it up. And the third highest ranked Cardinal in the Catholic church was yesterday arrested for abuse by the police in Australia. This is never going to end.

Religions can inflict fear on children, grown ups as well, making them scared of an angry god if they do not do exactly what the priests tell them to do, and since god sees everything, they can not tell anyone about what has happened, or else there will be serious consequences. Holy damn, how much power the church has, and with great powers comes great responsibilities, but also corruption. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We are suppose to have systems in place to prevent these things from happening, and at least bring justice to victims of such crimes, but since the system is rigged and corrupt to the core, nothing will ever be done. Except if people wake up and demand change in large numbers, we can't sit here and just accept these things.

So thank you for making this documentary. May this be a way to raise even more awareness to how imperfect the world is right outside our doorstep. And may it result in real change in a deeply corrupt system that actually thinks rape and abuse of children and murder are perfectly OK. When someone suicides as a result of being abused like this, that is murder. When someone suicides because the system is not there to protect them as a result of their abuse or bring justice for such crimes, it is also murder.

We all have blood on our hands if we don't change the system.
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