Borderline unwatchable
24 June 2017
I have loved watching the Transformers films in the past, despite their reputation for being about as clever as a lemon. They were visual spectacles and seeing the battles and explosions in 3D in the cinema has always made these films good fun to watch. There has been a downward trend in the quality of these films since the second instalment and I was hoping that the Last Knight could reverse this trend. Unfortunately not.

Transformers: The Last Knight is a prime example of studios pressuring film makers to churn out material to satisfy the masses. Michael Bay was probably the worst person in Hollywood to undertake such a franchise as he has the notorious reputation of style over substance. The plot for the film is quite interesting if you look at it from a bare bones perspective. The main autobots and decepticons make an appearance, which gives us a sense of familiarity in an ever-changing cast that barely resembles the original lineup. Seeing Optimus Prime head towards the dark side was probably one of the more exciting elements and I was looking forward to see the ensuing battles.

However, despite a promising story line, this film fails to deliver on almost all counts. Michael Bay's reliance on CGI and explosions really overshadows any sense of a story. Also, despite the general plot being incredibly simple, the manner by which it was delivered was overly complicated. I found myself getting lost at numerous points and had to ask my neighbour what on earth was going on. First there was a staff, then a talisman, then a ship and Anthony Hopkins breaking into Number 10 Downing Street...I mean seriously?

Another thing that really bugged me was the need for such vulgar language throughout the film. The odd use of a curse word is fine, but they were being thrown left, right and centre in this film. It certainly is not suitable for children to watch! One of the only film's redeeming qualities was that Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Hopkins delivered their performance well. But that is to be expected, since they are great actors. However, for them to even be associated with a film like this is a dark mark on their resumé. This film did not deserve them.

For the first time in a long time I felt cheated out of my money in the cinema. This film was atrocious and was only redeemed by a few great actors and some visually impressive battle sequences. Other than that, there is very little to be desired by this film. If you enjoyed previous instalments of Transformers be prepared to be disappointed if you have already bought a ticket. If you haven't, I would consider spending you money elsewhere.
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