17 June 2017
Even if you're not old enough to have known/seen Reynolds & or Fisher in film or media this story is honestly fascinating & instructive in so many ways. (a.) Aging gets to us all and there are ways to keep your wit and honesty about it all alive & kicking. (b.) Fanaticism (whether in sport, music, film, politics (think Trump - gawd)) has it's strange negatives, but also has some positives. (c.) Wealth isolates from reality, but subsistence poverty has it's own different reality (and fanaticism - think religion). (d.) Mental issues and/or addictions knows no boundaries. (e.) How one's life becomes perverted/distorted when everyone's your servant or wants to use you.

Kudos to those who documented what appears to be an honest insight into those lives. A script like ending to their life stories. Would liked to have subtitles to fully capture all that was said. Interestingly as I write this the BBC news just released more information on Carrie (6/17/17).
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