The Dead Room (2015)
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9 June 2017
I knew nothing about "The Dead Room" prior to finding it. And when I came across it, I was instantly intrigued by the movie cover. So after having read the synopsis, I did indeed decide that this was a movie that I had to watch, especially with my love for the horror genre.

And now with the movie finished and watched, I must admit that "The Dead Room" turned out to be a really nice surprise of a movie. I hadn't really expected much of anything, so I was more than pleasantly surprised with the outcome of director Jason Stutter's movie.

There was a really good atmosphere to be found in the movie, and that atmosphere was really permeating throughout the entire movie, adding a solid foundation for the story to grow on. And it was also especially nice to have the movie start out instantly and throwing the audience into the action from the very beginning. "The Dead Room" is not the type of movie that uses an hour or so to establish the mood and with very little happening in that time. No, "The Dead Room" kicks off in a high gear from the very start and you have no doubt about what is going on.

The effects, while sparse, were actually serving the movie quite well. Again, lots of great use of the atmospheric influences, such as footsteps, banging, opening and closing doors, and the like. Everything a ghost movie needs, you will find it here.

"The Dead Room" has a very little ensemble of performing actors and actresses, so there was a bit more pressure on the performances of these few people. But fear not, Jed Brophy (playing Liam), Jeffrey Thomas (playing Scott) and Laura Petersen (playing Holly) really performed quite well, and they were very committed to their roles. These were, for me at least, three entirely new faces, so it was nice to see someone new for a change.

This is definitely a horror movie that you should take the time to sit down and watch, because it is a surprisingly good movie. And it is rare to find a horror movie that starts out as intense and fast paced as this one did.

There is a few twists and turns to the story along the way, but the major plot twist was actually quite nice, and it sat very well to my liking, and it was a great reveal once it was out in the open. I will not give anything away here, of course, because I believe that a movie should be enjoyed and experienced on your own accord.

I read that some people didn't like the ending to the movie in other reviews. I, however, found it to be an adequate ending. It was generic and predictable, for sure, it it served the movie and the story well enough.
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