Another beautiful 3D restoration from Furmanek and company
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
From the first time I saw it on t.b.s in black and white to later the flat technicolor print,what did I think of the 3D version? gorgeous.The re-creation of the stereo sound was good.The quality of it was a good as the white Christmas stereo sound track.There are different recording styles.The original three soundtrack of the 3D Kiss Me Kate,the dialog went to the left ,right and center along with the sound effects and music,but,this is the original sound track ,not simulation.In this stereo re-creation,I don't know how they were able to re-create it if the multi sound track was missing,the dialog mostly stayed in the center,while the music and special effects,went left to right right to left.Occasionally the dialog would go on the left side ,when Jean Parker, off Camera. lets Gene know about the death of Frank Wilcox,playing Mr.Edmond,that reminds Gene he has to tell Rhonda Fleming and the rest of the family of the old mans death.Another scene where the dialog of Gene Barry voice goes on the left as he enter to another room,where he trying to look for John Kellogg,who killed Rhonda's fathers,then another scene when some of the dogs barking goes on to the left of center but most of the dialog stays in the center.This is probably the way it was recorded.That news paper going straight to the cameras,one of the Strothers sisters,in there song number on the boat,where she coaxes the a passenger to do this,still looks silly.The boat scene where it's floating down the right.The water is inward and the boat is outward ,but, that might have been cause by a technical problem in the camera,at the time.This last a few seconds.The scene in which Agnes Moorehead and her family just arrived in Yukon.When some one shoots a bullet into a wine barrel and the wine come out of the screen,that's effective.When the Yukon dogs pulling the sled goes out to the camera.The scene when the sled was taking the family to Dodson,it looks like the back ground,behind the sled, was a rear screen projector with a flat film for a back ground making the scene less 3d.There was a lot of cheese cake sexiness in this.Teresa Brewer rehearsal for the number,"Baby ,in 3d she looked sexy,but the actual number in 3d ,it was wonderful.That is my favorite number in the film .The acting from Teresa and Guy was good ,since this was there first film.For a low budget film it was pretty good.Barry Nelson was a leading man contract player for paramount,in that period played a bad guy who was not so bad, Johnny Kisco, is good.Although Rhonda Fleming was frustrated that she did not have a music number,her role as the eldest daughter was genuine.That Agnes Moor head who played the prudish mother ,who tries to over protect one of the younger Strothers sisters,is good. In the restoration of the movie ,in the menu,it showed the optical print had become bad where the color would become green tint to orange tint to purple.I thought Technicolor had stable metallic dies,unless this was Eastman color print.Worth collecting and if it available for rent in 3D Blu-ray.com, I think that what the name is ,worth renting. 05/23/17
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