Review of The Keepers

The Keepers (II) (2017)
Absorbing and Captivating
20 May 2017
A fascinating long view of a group of courageous and tenacious women, who refuse to let slide the brutal murder of a young lady who was important and highly influential in their lives and whom they all loved and respected, a case which the local police had run aground about almost 50 years ago, or seemingly.

This shouldn't be regarded as a murder/mystery so much as an insight into how an appalling crime can open up unexpected cans of worms of broken psyches and institutional corruption and cover-ups for as far as its tendrils reach. The battle between good and evil is rarely better manifested than in the scenario presented here, where some of those invested with the authority of presiding over this, in both metaphysical and actual terms, have clearly acted out both.

It's a natural temptation for us to beatify the dead and only speak well of them, but in this case it appears to be entirely appropriate, in fact the integrity and decency of the victim is very likely the cause of her being slain at the hands, by proxy or otherwise, of those without compassion or apparent remorse. The actuality of who really cares about any of us in the end is shone a light upon here, and although it does not answer the many questions that it throws up regarding the crimes, it does raise the profiles of not just one, but two vicious killings, and will hopefully give further voice to those that were either silenced or masked at the time, and so this is also the story of people trying to regain their personal and collective sense of empowerment from those who would, and have, taken this from them.

An admirable and effective documentary that encourages its audience to look deeper and keep on questioning. The bravery of all those facing their demons here is tangible, provoking us to take action ourselves when it's called for in our lives, and to do the right thing.
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