The X-Files: The Jersey Devil (1993)
Season 1, Episode 5
"Someone or something out there is hungry."
11 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a kid, I would read everything I could get my hands on regarding subjects like the Loch Ness Monster, the Abominable Snowman, and it's American version, the Sasquatch. But even though the legend of the Jersey Devil goes as far back as the early 1700's. I'd never heard of it before watching this episode of the 'X-Files'. Makes me wonder how I might have missed it.

It doesn't take long into the series when one begins to wonder why the FBI wouldn't keep it's agents on a shorter leash, rather than allow them to run off to investigate what personally suits them. I know, Mulder pretty much had his own little corner of the Bureau down in the basement to pursue his paranormal investigations, but still, you'd expect he would get called on to do some 'real' FBI work once in a while.

With all that, this is probably the weakest of the first five episodes the series had to offer, but even so, it allows Scully and Mulder to pursue some creepy business investigating the deaths of individuals who have had parts of their bodies chewed away. You could tell Scully was on the fence with her involvement on this case, returning home to engage in civilian life and even going on a date. Her change in appearance from FBI attire to date night is rather startling, and one might say she even looked hot, so maybe it was better that Mulder didn't see her like that just yet. Though there was a slight smidgen of jealousy in his response to her dating if one cares to look for it.

Considering what the 'real'? Jersey Devil is supposed to look like, the ones the story divulged looked rather like mere humans running around naked in the woods. For the uninitiated, the creature is said to resemble a kangaroo-like animal with the head of a goat and bat-like wings and a forked tail to conjure up the image of a devil. With both the male and female versions of the creature summarily shot by authorities in the story, the menace inspired by the monster never gets to fully play out. The teaser at the end of the story was something one might expect from an episode of 'The Twilight Zone', but as we know, the idea never went anywhere once this story was over.

Perhaps the most paranormal occurrence in the story - Mulder hands his hotel room key over to a street bum! What could possibly go wrong with that?
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