Passable Sequel to a Passable Franchise
9 May 2017
Andrew Divoff, the evil wish granting genie (or Djinn) of the first film, is again released (by an uncredited Corey Haim who's then girlfriend is the star of the film) and find himself in prison. There he again grants lots of wishes that go horribly wrong for the wisher. Tiny Lister plays one of the prison guards, so that fun. Bokeem Woodbine also shows up in a very small part early in the film. The main plot though revolves around the Dijinn trying to collect enough should to start the apocalypse and the surviving robber, Holly Fields, tries to stop him. The special effects are well done. Director Jack Sholder has some minor genre classics to his credit ("The Hidden" and "Alone in the Dark") and does a solid job here. Overall, this is a competently made horror films that is never boring, even if it's completely forgettable.
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