Batman: The Cat and the Fiddle (1966)
Season 2, Episode 4
Perhaps The Cat's Meow is Purrfect
22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I liked all the cat women in this series and this part 2 i one of Newmar's good ones. She has enlisted a lot of allies and has figured out the ultimate cat plot - steal a half million cold cash and 2 priceless violins. She subdues and disguises herself as a little old eccentric millionaire who looks much like a lot of bag ladies look on the street.

Batman appears to be a step or two behind, never needing to worry about cat ching up because he figures out her schemes with the help of her clues and his wits. The seeming affair between Batman and Cat Woman gets hotter and hotter in each episode of this series.

From a solar eclipse and Batman's wits saving the duo from frying on a hot tin roof, to the perilous heights of the caper, this one is pretty exciting. One TV flaw is that in a 102 story building the cars in the backdrop looking down from there are much too big.

This episode does show the dynamic duo putting on their seat belts, but it is not shown every time they jump in the bat-mobile and take off. Still, this show did help starting to transform public opinion towards using belts when they drive.

As Batman sends Catwoman to prison again, the parting embrace is poignant indeed. Stay tuned for the next embraces, same Cat Time, Same Cat Channel.
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